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Roodenberg Staalkabels offers a large variety of steel wire ropes, “all” types and dimensions are available, mostly from stock. Next to that lifting equipment is supplied and certified.

The added value of Roodenberg Staalkabels mainly is the assembling and production of wire ropes into the end products. Used in all kind of operations. Most of the work is done in house and therefore lead times are short and reliable. At Roodenberg we have a staff of around 40 employees, all known with the production of a variety of goods, with help of special tools and equipment.

The base material which is used is out of the best quality. Supplies are done to end-users, government, traders and wholesalers.
Roodenberg Staalkabels has an ISO 9001-certificate since 1995 and is a member of the Dutch EKH.


Roodenberg Staalkabels B.V. is founded in 1917 by the Roodenberg brothers. From the premises in Santpoort hardware, steel wire rope and fibre ropes were sold.

Later, in 1947, the company moved to the harbor in IJmuiden from which activity in fishing and maritime were developed.

In 1957 one of the sons, Mr. F.C. Roodenberg continued the business. The company developed itself in de 70’s to a specialist in products made from wire rope. At that time the fishing and maritime activities were not developed anymore. Mr. Roodenberg started creating his own machinepark, most of it in his own private garage. Mostly Mr. Roodenberg is remembered as a technician, working on all kinds of machines and inventions day in day out from early dawn till late at night.

From 2000 the company has new owners which develop the company even further. But still in the philosophy of Mr. Roodenberg: involved in staff and customers.

Especially the testing and certification as well as the development of new products have special attention now. This results in unrivaled products and assemblies. Also the company HOC Versteeg Testing B.V. is now part of Roodenberg Staalkabels B.V..

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